Moving Averages

Moving Averages Revisited Some further nuances in interpretations. Sometime ago we covered the topic of Moving averages and looked at thedifferent ways in which we could use them. In our…

Trading In Index Futures

Trading In Index Futures Futures are derivative instruments basically designed to nullifythe market-risk of a particular investment product, or commodity. IndexFutures are contracts whose underlying is the value of the…

The Concept Of Risk

The Concept Of Risk All investments in market carry two types of risks : Instrument-specific risks Market-specific risks Thisprinciple is true of any type of commodity, debt, or equity-exposure.Albeit, the…

Price Patterns 4

Price Patterns 4 Final Considerations We havediscussed the different types of price patterns over the past severalupdates. In this section, we shall consider some of the commonfeatures, which will help…

Price Patterns 2

Price Patterns 2 We looked at some of the price patterns in the last write up. Thesewere mainly the Major Reversal patterns, namely Head and Shoulders,Double and Triple tops and…

Price Patterns 1

Afterhaving gone through the simpler patterns in the last two updates – thestraight-line studies (trend lines) and the curved line studies (movingaverages), we now move on to the next set…