Combining Techniques – Part III
Combining Techniques – Part III Concluding the discussion on technique combinations In the last twotutorials we have looked at ways of combining the different techniqueslearnt so far. We applied what…
Combining Techniques – Part III Concluding the discussion on technique combinations In the last twotutorials we have looked at ways of combining the different techniqueslearnt so far. We applied what…
Moving Averages Bond In the last article we had looked at some of the different ways ofusing moving averages. One of the ways is to use multiple averages toform price…
Introduction To Candlesticks – Part I We have seen the traditional charting patterns so far where in wehave used the normal high-low bar or a close only type (line) chart.Japanese…
Introduction To Candlesticks – Part II In the last update we looked at the construction of the candlestickchart and the logic of drawing charts in this manner and the set…
A Recap Of What We Have Learnt So Far. Over the past several sections, we have seen different aspects ofTechnical Analysis. We began with what is the subject, defining it,…
The Magic Of Fibonacci Many of the technical write-ups mention this curious sounding namequite often. It is one of the more popular trading and analysistechniques used by most people in…
Price Patterns 4 Final Considerations We havediscussed the different types of price patterns over the past severalupdates. In this section, we shall consider some of the commonfeatures, which will help…
Price Patterns 2 We looked at some of the price patterns in the last write up. Thesewere mainly the Major Reversal patterns, namely Head and Shoulders,Double and Triple tops and…
Afterhaving gone through the simpler patterns in the last two updates – thestraight-line studies (trend lines) and the curved line studies (movingaverages), we now move on to the next set…
The cornerstones to technical studies : Overthe past few sections, we have done with identification of a trend andhow they can be grouped together for study. We looked further at…