Mutual Funds Glossary – S
Terms Description Sale price The price at which a fund offers to sell one unit of its scheme to investors. This NAV is grossed up with the entry load applicable,…
Terms Description Sale price The price at which a fund offers to sell one unit of its scheme to investors. This NAV is grossed up with the entry load applicable,…
Terms Description Unit A Unit represents one undivided share in the assets of the Schemes. Unit Trust A special type of fund, usually a bond fund, that has a fixed…
Terms Description RBI/ Reserve Bank of India Reserve Bank of India, established under the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, is the Central Bank in India. Rating The rating is…
Terms Description Pay-out Pay-out day is the designated day on which securities and funds are paid out to the members by the clearing house of the Exchange. Premium When the…
Terms Description Objective Of Investment The purpose statement consisting of the goal and the avenues of investment released by the fund. Offer Document or Prospectus It is the official document…
Terms Description Net asset value (NAV) The value of fund's portfolio at market value less current liabilities divided by the number of units outstanding. Net asset value is normally computed…
Terms Description Income / Debt Funds They are mutual funds that invest primarily in fixed income securities and aim to provide reasonable returns with low degree of risks. Index Funds…
Terms Description Launch Date The date on which a scheme is first made open to the public for subscription Liquid Funds /Money Market Funds Funds investing only in short-term money…
Terms Description Management Expense Ratio The ratio of management expenses to the total funds under management. It is usually specified in the offer document as a percentage of teh assets…
Terms Description Gilts/Government Securities Securities created and issued by the Central Government and/or a State Government, and may include securities unconditionally guaranteed by the Government Global Funds Mutual funds that…