All About Options
All About Options Options are contracts, which gives the buyer (holder) the right,but not the obligation, to buy or sell specified quantity of theunderlying assets, at a specific (strike) price…
All About Options Options are contracts, which gives the buyer (holder) the right,but not the obligation, to buy or sell specified quantity of theunderlying assets, at a specific (strike) price…
All About Futures What are futures?Futuresare derivatives. These are securities whose value depends on the valueof an underlying asset, which could be a commodity or a financialinstrument. A future or…
Financial Market Terms Explained Stock Market IndexDefinition :AStock Market Index is a basket of representative scrips whichaccurately reflects the trends of the market movement faithfully and isan approximation to returns…
Strategies used in derivatives As explained earlier any position on a stock involves the inherentposition on the market, so when you have bought Infosys betting on itssuperior price performance you…
Moving Averages Revisited Some further nuances in interpretations. Sometime ago we covered the topic of Moving averages and looked at thedifferent ways in which we could use them. In our…
Introduction To Candlesticks – Part III Some Practical Examples and Trading Strategies Theinterest in candlestick charting is quite high. In the past two sets ofarticles on this subject we have…
Trading In Index Futures Futures are derivative instruments basically designed to nullifythe market-risk of a particular investment product, or commodity. IndexFutures are contracts whose underlying is the value of the…
The Concept Of Risk All investments in market carry two types of risks : Instrument-specific risks Market-specific risks Thisprinciple is true of any type of commodity, debt, or equity-exposure.Albeit, the…
Combining Techniques – Part III Concluding the discussion on technique combinations In the last twotutorials we have looked at ways of combining the different techniqueslearnt so far. We applied what…
Moving Averages Bond In the last article we had looked at some of the different ways ofusing moving averages. One of the ways is to use multiple averages toform price…