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This age-old proverb perfectly encapsulates the importance of diversification in investing. Imagine all your savings are invested in a single company’s stock. If that company goes bankrupt, you lose everything.

Diversification is the key to mitigating risk. It involves spreading your investments across different asset classes, sectors, and even geographic locations. This way, if one investment performs poorly, the others can help balance it out.

Here’s how diversification works:

  • Asset Class Diversification: Invest in a variety of asset classes like stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities. Each asset class reacts differently to market conditions, so a downturn in one might be offset by gains in another.
  • Sector Diversification: Don’t concentrate your investments in a single industry sector like technology or healthcare. Spread your holdings across different sectors to minimize the impact of a sector-specific downturn.
  • Geographic Diversification: Look beyond your home country and invest in international markets. This can help hedge against currency fluctuations and economic turmoil in specific regions.